I didn't fly yesterday because it rained all morning. I instead of flying I played pool all morning. I'm getting so I can hit the white ball into the pockets, pretty soon I'll be able to get the colored balls in. The most important news in this bulletin is that I am now on flying pay - $75 per month. It looks like I'll get rich in this man's army yet. Today was a beautiful day for flying. The only trouble was that I didn't do anything new. Just the same series of maneuvers as last time. Oh yes, I did do something new. I did a series of gliding turns with the motor throttled down. It's just the same as turns with the power on except you have to keep the air speed constant by the angle of glide. Oh, and I landed today but he helped some. Tomorrow I am going to have spins, that ought to be fun. I have my first check flight day after tomorrow. When I go to my next port or post or where ever I'll go I'll get a new uniform. I'm pretty sure we'll go to Santa Anna. Today we didn't have history but had military lecture by the CO himself. We are going to have these every day so I guess I won't have history any more. I got the can of coffee and it was in one piece. Aunt Ruby sent me a can of cookies - two layers in 3# can. They were bought and they came in a round tin pan. I guess it looks like a cake tin. I sent a letter to Ella but it came back so I guess you better send me her new address. I got a letter from Doris today but that was all. Is pa eating radishes from the garden yet? If you want to know, I have about $38 on me. Well, it's time to study so I'll say goodnight.