Well it won't be too long now, just three more days to go. Today we took our final in C.A.R. and tomorrow is our last first aid class. Last night we saw a movie on military courtesy. We didn't fly yesterday because it rained all day so during our flying time I washed clothes; sox, hankies, and a towel. I put the towel on a heater to dry and scorched it. Yesterday we were issued wool caps that you wear under helmets I guess and two buttons. The buttons are gold and one is a US button and the other is a wing.
They are to wear on your blouse. We get new blouses when we go to classification. We will also get low cut shoes when we get there. Believe it or not we flew today. It was cloudy all morning but it just cleared up when we were supposed to go out. I did pretty good I think and I shot two landings. I didn't do so hot on the landings for I bounced quite a bit. I have seven hours so far with two flying days left so I doubt if I'll get my ten hours in. Tonight I watched some of the boys play ball and afterwards in the barracks eight of us were square dancing. We didn't have any music but we sure did have fun. I didn't get any letters today and I don't think you better send any more until you get my new address. I got the laundry bag and sox yesterday and they were swell. Say, if you still want to send sox you better send the ones without the ribbing. Well, I guess I'l close this and take a shower before lights out.