Saturday May 29, 1943

Boy have I been under a nervous strain the last two days. I had my interview with the psychologist yesterday and my 64 today. Yesterday I had my appointment in the afternoon and in our bunch that went in the morning three had failed to make it. When I finally went in he asked me questions for about five minutes and that was all there was to it. They made us take our shoes off when we went in for some reason or other. Yesterday I also had a shot or vaccination for desert fever. They also took a blood test and a xray and a urine test. In the afternoon the whole post had a gas alert. They set off smoke bombs and then we had to wear our gas masks for a half hour. We also went to the PX again. We stood retreat at five and then were off for the evening. I turned in my laundry and a pair of shoes for repairing. Today I went through the physical. First we stripped and they gave us bath robes. We went into one room and they gave us schinder tests, laying down, standing and exercising. Then they tested our reflex actions by hitting your knees and tickling you. From there your chest, waist, weight, and height were taken. They checked for hernia and joint movement. From there we had our eye tests. First they had one read a chart and he said my eyes were 20/15 - that's good. Then I had a depth perception test and I got 11 on that. 11 means 11 millimeters off - that's good. Then he measured where my eyes focused. The next guy tested my field of vision and some other junk I didn't savy. The last guy, (I thought he was going to kiss me) looked in my eyes with a light. Next I had my teeth checked. From there I went and had my nose, throat, and ears tested. The last test was for color blindness. Now the only thing they can wash me out on is my xray. Boy am I relieved. We're all through with our tests now so for the next three weeks we sit on our ___ and wait to be classified. Forty of our boys caught MM for sunday. MM is just the Cadet's word for K.P. I got by inspection today all right.

I got some mail from Canyon today. One letter from you and two from Doris. How long does air mail take to get home and how about free mail? I'm going to try and write every other day. About four of our guys washed out on the physicals today.

As far as coming here, I don't think it would be very wise. You couldn't come until about July and when you got here you could see me for only a few hours on Sunday. It is impossible to get any kind of a room and there's a chance I'll get MM or have to walk tours so I might not even get to see you. If I'm lucky I'll get a furlough with my commission. Then there's a chance I'll get sent closer to home from basic or advanced. Pa, here's how they work the flying. You get no flying in pre-flight, 60 hours in basic and 70 hours in advanced. After that you're a pilot. Say, why don't you open a swimming pool for the summer? There is a big blimp that flies over here all the time. It's a navy ship on submarine patrol. Well, I guess that's all the news for now except when Ma decides to come you come at the same time. None of this single visits stuff. I don't know where she got that idea in the first place. If free mail goes too slow I'm going to make you send me air mail stamps.

Well, I guess I can catch up on my letter writing over Sunday.


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